Patrick Robin
phot. by Saskia Bergink Patrick Robin, born in a wine growers family of the Loire Valley, is established since 1988 in Angers in France. He devotes himself to the making of violins, violas and cellos and to sound adjustments.
A graduate from the Newark School of Violin Making he received the “Royal Oakden Cup” for outstanding achievements. Whilst working with Roger Hargrave for Geigenbau Machold in Bremen, Germany, he specialised then in the fine art of restoring instruments of the great classical schools.
The1st International Violin Making Competition of Paris awarded him in 1991 two Gold Medals for violin and cello, together with “le Prix de l’Académie des Beaux-Arts” et “le Prix de la Fondation Marcel Vatelot”.
He received the Gold Medal for a viola at the Mittenwald Competition in 1989, and the Gold Medal at the Manchester Strad Cello Making Competition in 1994.
He has served since on the juries of a number of international violin-making competitions.
In November 2000, Patrick Robin has been promoted “Maître d’art” by the French Minister of Culture.
His instruments are played by soloists and members of orchestras such as the Vienna Chamber Orchestra, The Volks Oper in Vienna, the Tonkünstler-Orchester Niederösterreich, the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, l’Opéra de Paris, l’Orchestre Philarmonique de Radio France, and chamber music ensembles such as the Jean Sibelius Quartet, Aron Quartet Wien, Zehetmair Quartet, etc.