Piotr Wilk
Dr hab. Piotr Wilk is a musicologist, a student of Professor Zygmunt M. Szweykowski and an assistant professor at the Institute of Musicology of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. His major research interests include instrumental music of the 17th and 18th century. In this regard, he published pioneering critical editions of Uccellini’s violin sonatas (Marco Uccellini. “Sonate over canzoni da farsi a violino solo e basso continuo opera quinta”, Opera Omnia IV, Lucca 2002), and Subissati (Aldebrando Subissati. “Sonate per violino solo e basso continuo”. Giovanni Francesco Anerio “Antiphonae binis, ternis & quaternis vocibus cum basso ad organum”, "Sub Sole Sarmatiae", vol. 10, Kraków 2007) and monographs: “Sonata for a violin solo in seventeenth-century Italy” (Wrocław 2005) and “The Venetian Instrumental Concerto During Vivaldi's Time” (Kraków 2014).
In the role of author and scientific editor for many years he co-created the PWM Music Encyclopedia.